Friday 7 November 2008

Music changes

the music for the rough cut version sounded too happy so to give the best effect and create the correct atmosphere I decided to change the music to something more appropriate.
Our new music piece is a lot more eery than our previous one, and with the effects and darkening we have done on the video, together we think they look fantastic.

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In thursdays lesson we managed to do the majority of editing.
We darkened all the shots, as due to time restrictions we'd filmed at around midday and from the beginning we'd decided it'd be more effective of it looked like night.
For the shot of the eye opening we tinted it red.To lead on from this we tinted the point of view shots slightly red aswell, we also added a light rays effect and altered the saturation. i think this effect worked really well and added alot to the atmosphere of those shots.Seeing the tent from the killers point of view i think was one of the most effective.
We also began adding titles.We decided to put the names in different places on the screen and added an earthquake effect.This instability, constant movement and change reflects the mental state of the killer and means the font fits well within the shots.
Jonny worked on the soundtrack as we felt the music we used for the animatic wasn't quite right, particularly the strings.Johnny and i had tried changing the key but we still weren't convinced it would work, so on thursday he used garageband to create a new piece, that included sounds of a thunderstorm-which has clear links with the thriller genre, he also imported some music that he added to this.

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Monday 3 November 2008

development of ideas

We at least need to make our shots darker, as at the minute they are fairly light, which isn't the ideal when trying to create an eerie atmosphere.We could try putting all our footage in black and white-possibly with red touches, for example the eye.
We also want to make adjustments to the audio, we think the strings sound too 'upbeat', so we're going to try and replace them with something in a minor key, which should fit better with the mood.We also want to take out some of the real sound, from when we were filming, however we may leave a little from the last three shots as we think it could enhance it.
We may refilm the knife part as it was unclear, and doesn't give the right effect as it currently is.

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Chains title

these are a few ideas of text we could use for the titles and name of the film.
we could use chain image to replace the I in chains, this would be more interesting for the viewer and keep their attention.

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